Alright Ladies and Gents! Guess who has just spent the last 20 hours furiously crafting the craziest #bbau @BigBrotherAU lore theory! Hold on to your hats, this thread might get crazy!
My theory is simple, and is a tweak of my old theory in my S2 Trailer Analysis thread. Instead of Big Brother turning evil, I believe that THERE ARE TWO BIG BROTHERS. The Big Brother from last season, and a new - worse - big brother.
Here's my proof.
Firstly, the Big Brother last season was... 'kind'? 'relatable', even. He bonded with the housemates quite a bit near the end, and was never downright cruel.
Compare that to this season, where one of the first things he does is collect the housemates favorite items and throw them into a woodchipper. This is clearly not the same Big Brother as before.
However, it doesn't end there. What happened before this event? Big Brother told two guests to leave the house - something that hasn't happened in any season of Big Brother before (I explicitly remember Big Brother saying that you cannot leave last season)
Why is this Big Brother bending the rules? Obviously, to save the houseguests from further torture at the hands of Evil Big Brother.
(for the rest of this thread I will refer to OG Nice Big Brother as 'Little Brother' to stop any confusion)
In the trailer, we see a 'Initiating Search' text that appears on the screen, appearing after we see the players enter the boiler room. Why would 'Big Brother' need to search for the players if he told them to go there? Because there is more than one.
Little Brother tried to salvage two housemates from the rage of Big Brother, but it was too late - they were caught. Notice how 'Big Brother' doesn't acknowledge either of them returning, or that they are missing at all?
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