I’ve blocked two people recently, one (non GC) commenting on every single audio, asking me to audio everything posting his videos and poetry to my tag, every day I got unrequited messages, he appeared obsessed so I needed him off my timeline, I don’t like being stalked.
The other just now, a female I assume, tagging me onto a really obscene and unnecessary comment about trans women, they appear to be insane, it was disgusting and so I blocked that account.
Then there’s a couple of women accusing me of meaning something else in one of my tweets it was obvious that they were taking the opportunity at a stab so I blocked because they’ll try again.
I’ve blocked accounts deliberately harassing GC TW who certainly didn’t deserve it and who if you questioned them you are suddenly the arch enemy yourself. Can do without that toxic bullshit.
There’re a couple more my block finger is hovering over, sometime it’s wiser to block before things escalate, there was one guy who was dogmatic over so many of my posts, following them and contradicting them, eventually I lost my rag and made a Twitter scene so he blocked me.
And another who also did that obsessive follow/criticise, mansplain thing to me but does it also with many other GC women.

Now there is someone quite unstable who I’m concerned about and feel it’s best there’s a block wall
and another who is too involved with particular posts of mine and it’s now inappropriate.

For me this is a space where I try to illuminate very important things about gender ideology which I’ve learnt and I retweet others
But it’s also a place I go through my fads, like when posting outrageous songs from “crazy ex girlfriend”. I love to have a joke on here, at genders expense quite often.

Then at times I speak out my life and I find that cathartic, I like it when debates occur from that
And it’s great to have advice, usually given by means of experience not instruction because GC women are that cool. It’s an important experience for me here, exercising my humour, my audios, poetry, workings out of how to tackle TRA and reminding of what’s happened to newcomers.
I don’t want it to be a dark place, somewhere where I must bite my tongue because a man has got that seeking to predatory overcoming vibe (wrote and posted a poem yesterday about it) or someone who’s imbalanced and it’s not good for either of us to see each other’s tweets.
I have a habit of getting to know women with personality disorders in real life. Usually they are quite marvellous people who the world doesn’t understand, It’s all great until they decide I’m theirs and they have the right to control me,
when I don’t comply they explode. I’ve stopped getting involved with friends like this irl now but I’ve noticed it’s the same for on here baring one who takes responsibility for herself and doesn’t do codependency.
Having written all this I’ve decided I’m going to block the two people.

I don’t want to be creeped on and I don’t want a tsunami continually erupting in my eye-line. This is my account and I’ll decide when I want to go confronting TRA and who I have following me.
Oh, I also block people who disparage the reputation of @Glinner and then continue to double down on trashing him.
You can follow @Sugary_Trickery.
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