How To Be More Financially Secure 💰 (Thread)

1 - Multiple Streams Of Income

To have multiple streams of income is so important.

No ones job is 100% safe as the last year has shown.

Multiple income streams will make you more wealthy it also gives security just in case.
2 - Emergency fund

An emergency fund is a pot of money usually 3-12 months worth of your expenses.

Again it helps of the worst happens and you lose your job so you don’t fall behind with your priority bills (rent etc)

It also gives you the chance to take more risks.
3 - Cancel Old Direct Debits

So many people have money leaving their account for things they no longer use.

I was guilty for this I had Xbox Live leaving my account for months even after I switched to PS!

Check your direct debits on your bank and get old ones cancelled.
4 - Invest Invest Invest

Investing your money instead of keeping it in a savings account means your money will grow rather than losing value due to inflation!

Investing in index funds such as S&P 500 has had an average return of 13.6% annually.
5 - Pay Your Debt!

Paying off your debt is so important.

It will improve your credit score meaning if a disaster struck and you needed a loan or credit card you would be able to get one!

Debt can also incur interest so the sooner you pay off the less you will have to pay!
Thanks for reading hopefully you enjoyed!

Any other ways of becoming financially secure you would add? 🤔
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