Lesser known #ActuallyAutistic traits:

Being intrigued by your own reflection. I see this a lot and I do it myself. There is something soothing about watching yourself in a mirror. (1/4)
Interoception difficulties. Interoception is your sense of the state of your body and mind. If you have poor interoception, you might not know when you are hungry, tired, overstimulated, have eaten too much etc. (2/4)
Having trouble with falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up. This is so common but also not talked about much. Here is a great thread that could equally apply to Autistic people if you want to know about sleep difficulty. (3/4) https://twitter.com/StructuredSucc/status/1386727294476046339?s=20
Autistic burnout. All Autistic people need to understand burnout. I burnt out last April and I have still not recovered. Here is a fantastic infographic by @awnnetwork_

You can download the alt texted PDF here. (4/4) https://awnnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/autistic-burnout.pdf
You can follow @essie_is_okay.
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