Time to watch #ShadowAndBone !

I'm confused as to what kind of fantasy this is. Are there steampunk elements?
I asked coz the uniforms are a bit ???

Aha, the Airbender is here!

And Alina has a Fire Nation mother and an Earth Kingdom father?

I thought Mal would be the Prince Caspian character but whoever this chap is, I'm digging his ugly buzz cut

Ah I see now. Mal gets lost in the fold and she goes to rescue him, then rubs into the Prince Caspian character.

Where have I seen Zoya before? She looks v familiar.
Zoya, he's hardly a stranger if he's going to be your escort into the fold
I thought I'd ship Mal and Alina coz I am childhood friends-to-lovers trash, but the chemistry between Mal and Zoya is *sniffs* spicy 🤭🤭

'I'll find my way back to you.'


I am back on the Malina train 😂😂😂

Guess we know who the Sun Summoner is

Lmao I thought that was Dougal from #Outlander.
Pekka Rollins that is

Congratulations on endangering everyone, Alina 👏🏽👏🏽

I hate her already.
(Mostly coz she's selfish. Partly coz I don't like Chosen One MCs. I like best friend of Chosen One MCs but alas there are too few of those going around)

Oooh so the Pterodactyl type creatures are Volcra?

Are they sentient? The Volcra sounded sentient.

Or is it like the Nazgul and their steeds?

We keep taking breaks and I am like 😬😬
How am I meant to keep up and more importantly, remain immersed in the world it we keep doing this 😬😬😬

Wtf Mal, don't die!!!!

I'm hoping Mal is the Sun Summoner not Alina but we'll see.
Or they are Sun Summoners together. That would be so cute.

Lol, have downloaded mum on everything that's happened/been revealed so and now we are all caught up and ready to watch 😎

The two storylines aren't synced??? Wtf.
What a thing to reveal 40 minutes into the episode.

But also amazing. I love it!
Dreesen's about to set Alexei free from this life 😬

Poor Alexei :(. I really liked him.

Alright time for episode 2!!!!


I have extracted a promise of minimal pausing.

Kaz recognised the name Starkov. Hmmmm.

Prince Caspian is General Kirigan?????

I thought he was a ranger type character.

Malina are OTP sorry to everyone else

*cough cough* Malina maybe OTP but if Alina abandons you now that she's a big fancy Sun Summoners I'd be happy to comfort you, Mal 👉🏽👈🏽🥺

See, I ship Kaz and Jasper so I'll be pretty annoyed if he and Inez explore the vibe between them

A throuple tho? I'm in.


So much for my Mal is a Sun Summoner theory.

Unless he is ALSO a Sun Summoner 🤭🤭🤭

I am #1 Mal Stan. He's so cute.

The red coats are blood benders???

It can't be Brekker who's after Alina, this is two weeks before they even found out she existed .

Ohhhhh so that's why I thought Prince Caspian was a ranger in the trailer. He escorts Alina to the little palace.

And the title card on the Netflix page is from a scene in the Little Palace when Alina is trailing 🤔

So they're at war with both the North and the South?

😬😬😬 We are paused again.
This universe is so damn engrossing and my mum is worried about who will change the gas cylinder 😭😭😭😭

The Kirigan Caspian and Alina are having the conversation from the trailer rn 😩😩.
That was meant to be The Darkling but then I went with Kirigan Caspian instead 😬 so ummm

Lmaaooo Jesper you cutie
Fastest draw in Ketterdam
Oooh so Inej has been sent to kill the Conductor. TWIST.

Banishing the entire Fold seems like a looooot of work for one person

I wonder if this will have a realistic timeline where Alina trains for several years before she's powerful enough to banish the Fold? Or maybe it'll be a year & a half routine. YA probs, amirite
What does the First Army do to deserters?

I am worried for Mal 😭😭😭

Can't he write a letter to Alina? Or she to him?
Are Grisha not allowed to speak to non-Grisha?

Lol, Mal and Alina both lying alone in bed.

Google, play One of Us by ABBA.

That bath was like 2 seconds long. Wash behind your ears, Alina!

Damn, Tailors sound so cool
So easy to disguise themselves.

Idk who Nina is but I'm alrady a stan.

Why does Dreesen want the Sun Summoner tho?

Like what would he do with her? Ransom her? Brekker could do that himself.
No thank you, no goodbye to Genya? Kirigan appears and Alina is like 🐦🐦.
Hmmmph. Alina has no manners.

Taking a break mid episode coz real life and chores call. Sigh.

I'm waiting for Alina to activate her own powers of her own accord. So far it's been once by Mal and once by Prince Caspian.
If this was a Lev Grossman story, the evidence would indicate her powers would be activated by horniness. 😂

Alright, we're backkkkkk. Jesper has gone gambling (Oh Jesper, Jesper), Brekker is cuddling a goat and Inej is looking at a war memorial.

Surgical squad they are not.

I love them 😂

Stockholm Syndrome plotline for Nina?
Not averse to it

Is he carrying FIRE into the Fold???

Also where is Jesper, your team needs you, you inveterate gambler 😭😭
The Conductor about to Han Solo this thing.

Let's gooooooooo

He looks nothing like a regular Han Solo so I am 😍😍

Alina is about to pick Zoya isn't she 😂

And get totally humiliated. Zoya is going to make Alina eat diiiirrrrtttt.

I love how all best friend groups are trios 😂😂.

Is this a writing rule like show don't tell? Best friendships come in threes

Kirigan is intercepting all Alina's letters to Mal isn't he?

My poor bebe Mal.

Grima Wormtongue in the houseeeee.

(The Bonesmirh looks a lot like Jesus 😬)
Is that Madam Hooch???

Oooh so is Mal also a human amplifier?

Idk if I hope he's a Sun Summoner, an Amplifier or an average Joe.
Maybe average Joe coz I like those characters most of all.
Asamis and Sokkas who get by using their brains and compassion instead of 'poewers'
Emotional support goat ahahahahahahhaahhahah

Jesper my KING.

*bows down*

We are not worthy 😍😍😍😍😍😍

I was looking at Jesper like the ultimate good time lad. Why are they trying to make me horny for him? 😂😂😂

I knew Ben Barnes was intercepting their letters. Oooh I hate him.
Leave Malina alone *shakes fist*

Ofc the creep wants Alina for himself, so 😬🤷🏽‍♀️

Smells like braised lamb bahahahahaha

Yesssssd a questtttt. I love quests.
Go get that Stagslan and find out what's really going on, Mal. I'm rooting for you ❤️❤️❤️

Aleksandr it seems. Ew.
Go away Kirigan.

Jesper and the emotional support goat 😂

Kirigan: I know how you feel, Alina.


I do not approve of this man. Hmmph.

I thought the Black Heretic was a woman. I'm disappointed.

Mal's friends are ADORBZ.

Idk their names so I've just nicknamed them Tweedledum and Tweedledee for now.

Why are they playing this abusive Baghra scene for laughs 😬😬😬

Is he Jesper or Jasper? Subtitles make up your mind.

Fedyor is a cutie. I really like him 🤭

WiFi is down. I have been FOILED 😭😭😭

WiFi is still not back. 😭😭😭

But I wanna watch #ShadowAndBone 😶

Oh well.
Giving up for the night.
Thank you past @AarKuNine for this thread, I absolutely don't have to re-watch anything 😈

Let's gooooo.

Tweedledee picked up magic stag poop. Love him 😂

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