New year, same energies. I think companies need to start bragging about their very basic approaches to the working structure. You helped the environment on Earth Day thats cool. But you STILL don’t pay women EQUALLY or have a low representation of people of colour in your org.
Always going for the grand gestures but can’t even get equal pay right. The game is to be “seen to be doing” ....classic misdirection. But if organisations just did the basics. It wouldn’t have to posture every year for a day or two.
There’s very slow movement and it’s always because FAIRNESS equates to “less for me” in a lot of men’s minds.

The idea you can’t show off your Rolex if EVERYONE has a Rolex frightens people. You’re not different then. You have to be unique. That’s what happens in capitalism.
Are you chasing stability or chasing disparity.

If it’s the latter then psychologically you won’t want other people feeling the esteem and privilege you enjoy day to day.

If you’re comfortable in yourself this won’t be a problem.
I’ve seen a world go into Lockdown, vaccines developed and rolled out in 9 months. The country’s workforce furloughed.

At this stage it’s hard to fathom what CAN’T be achieved. So what we’re looking at is just a lack of political will to see these societal changes through.
There’s a difference between “something can’t be done” and you “don’t want it to be done but aren’t comfortable expressing it because it makes you look bad.”
I propose a different approach. Someone, a lot smarter than me. Just break down the current economic system Vs one with everyone on the same pay from companies. What are the implications, because some people really only respond to stats and data which is cool....
But not everyday prove my hardship with quantitative data. Not everything can be “measured” in a metric which is widely understood.

Because when met with the arguments to explain the scarcity of resources, you’re never met with the rationale behind “greed” ....there isn’t one
I think my history teacher in school rationalised the gender paygap as it was because women who were married would receive top up payments indirectly through their husbands salary.

The idea is that for financial survival the welfare state is designed for women to be married
Receipt of benefits is linked to a man in most cases. It’s rigged. But you’re taught that there’s some pseudoscience behind it under the guise than anything otherwise was detrimental to the traditional family structure.

Incredibly damaging structure.
and like most things in life if you just ask a “but why?” You begin to unravel the fabric of society. This crap veneer that western countries can market to the rest of the world and say we’ve got it all in order over here.
But the grass is always comparatively greener depending on who you’re comparing yourself to and what you chose to measure.

The objective in the country via government was not to be better. But to do enough to look better than countries we have issues with.
Like there’s actual indexes where you list countries you wouldn’t want to do business in.

Essentially the UK and most of Europe did Super League a few hundred years ago. Believing it self to be morally and ethically superior to “developing” countries loool.
Fast forward to 2021 and the country I live in can easily develop plans to reduce its carbon footprint but hasn’t figured out to pay women the same amount as men. That’s the hill it chose to die on. 🤷🏾‍♂️
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