I want to hire Covid's PR & marketing department to promote my new album. 😂

I've never seen anything like this...
Slogan ideas:

"If you don't listen to 'Word of Zuby', you will kill grandma."

"Wear a Zuby T-shirt, save lives."

"Listen to the Zuby"

"Follow the Zuby"

"Look this person in the eyes, and tell them you listen to Zuby"

We can also relegate other artists to 'non-essential'. đŸ€Ż
Anyone who doesn't buy my new album 'Word of Zuby' is a music-denier, who is clearly selfish and wants people to die...

And the purchase doesn't count unless you take picture of yourself buying the CD or vinyl. 😂

Get Zubinated! And tell your friends to!
You can follow @ZubyMusic.
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