I dont see tl talking much about this so here's what has been happening in india please help rt !
to set things straight i am not indian nor do i live there but I wanted to come forward n help with all the info that i got. I am a small acc yes but ive seen some of my other tweets blow up so i hope this does too
also for those who r indians or live in india feel free to add anything that r helpful in the replies, i'll try my absolute best to link them to the the thread ^^
b4 we get into the thread, i just wanna say i rlly hope things get better soon and i hope all of u r staying safe! Sending all my condolonces to the families who lost their loved ones due to the pandemic 🙏🙏
creds to impact on ig
!! https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1386834420716474369?s=19
that's all i could find so far again if anyone finds more u r welcomed to link them down in the reps n i will link it to this thread
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