haha heeeyyyyy im leaving this account. i don't really feel as safe here as i used to and i dont make much art for this acc anymore. i wont deactivate in order to preserve everything ive posted here, but i wont be touching this acc anymore. i hope you all understand.
i've been thinking about this for months. there's no telling when i'll come back with a new account, but on the tiny chance i actually will, i'd like it to be a fresh start and not have it associated with hanneskun (at least that's what i prefer for now).
i've made lots of good memories here. this account was my space of comfort when i struggled with being closeted and when my depression hit the hardest late 2019. i've met so many good people here and i had an outlet where i could be myself. my art and storytelling skills grew+
in a way i couldn't ever imagine through this experience. for that, i'm immensely grateful for the support you all give my comics. i wouldnt have continued making them if it werent for your messages telling me how much they've helped you. i feel so accomplished as an artist.
but if i were to be honest, i've made several bad memories too. part of why i'm leaving are negative associations. there are problems that run deep in trans twitter and in trans online spaces in general that could have put me in serious danger if i was any more unlucky.
i felt excluded for being mlm, infantilized, experienced racist microaggressions for being asian, and many times, sexualized in subtle ways (while being a minor) i didn't even realize until years later. but i bottled it all up because i didn't want to ruin this outlet i had.
i didn't want to ruin anyone's vibe, i didn't want to seem like a killjoy. even some of the good friends ive made unconsciously hold up those harmful practices because it's been normalized so much, but i didn't want to make them feel bad.
as much as i enjoyed being here, i just wished that aspect was handled so much better. i wish 16-17 yo me didnt have to endure such things only to have it manifest in trauma i now wish i didn't have. no one in this community should have to go through that.
and then, It's Them started feeling foreign to me. i just know that now, i cant capture the feeling those comics did in anything i draw now. i guess it was burnout, but either way, i can't go back to it, and when i finally accepted it, i felt a weight off my chest.
i still love those characters, though. there's a lot of unspoken lore i've brainstormed and stuff i wanted to show, but that's not happening now. and i've decided i dont plan on making It's Them content anytime soon. by that, i mean the next coming years.
i'm sorry to anyone i'll disappoint with this decision. i'll keep the It's Them webtoon page up of course, gotta immortalize the stuff that makes other people happy. i'm proud of what i made, but i unfortunately can't do it anymore, and that's not something i can force.
that's basically the gist of it? but yeah i'm leaving this acc for good. @ my friends dw you can still find me on discord, i'll def be active there again a few days from now.
lastly, thank you all so so much for your support. despite all the bad stuff that's happened, i'm still very glad to have been here. being hanneskun has changed so much of my life, mostly for the better.
special mention to puddle people, thank you so much for unconditionally putting up with my bullshit. it means so much to me to have people to even just hold my hand through days when my head's full of nonsense. you people are like family to me. thank you so much <3
to the transmasc poc and trans minors in my following, you're not alone. it can be suffocating to be in a community that doesnt give you safety when its supposed to, but i know you'll find a family like i did. and dont be afraid to voice out against anyone who hurts you.
that's all ig! thank you all again for taking the time to read this thread. i sincerely hope you all take care. goodbyeeee 🏃💨💨💨
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