i want to get absolutely gone at a con again
im patient and Vaccinated but man i haven't been that drunk in a long time
i need to be specific
i want to get drunk and end up in places again. how else do u end up with a handful of teeth at katsucon with very little recollection of it
im trying to remember other things:
the hot tub incident daishocon 2019, nothing bad but i legitimately had no idea what was going on and i still dont know. i think i was like half a kalahari cup in which isnt even much
that one time a johnny j*estar cosplayer came up to me at like 2 pm fucked up on drugs?? alcohol?? both?? and demanded to take a pic together bc i was cosplaying their waifu.
reasons i dont j*j* anymore
the forest. iykyk, and not many people know and that's for the best
miho okasaki said she liked my rimuru cosplay which was Very poggers. i have the signed poster framed too
little known midwestern con deep lore is that you can get on top of the skywalk of the rosemont convention center if you climb on from the parking garage.
last thing id like to add is that when r*zen (creepy midwest con photog) was getting cancelled like the week before katsucon that year, i remember he showed up *anyway* and made a whole scene trying to get on to the already crowded elevator. 1/2
two buff dudes in the elevator with us shoved him after the doors started closing, to which he tried to get back in. so everyone starts yelling at him and shoves him back out again. that was a nice elevator talk afterwards with all of us saying "dude was that r*zen??"
if i remember anything else ill add it to this thread
oh that one time i was stoned as a gravel road and sat on a bench with some other people for like. three whole hours. thinking that we were talking about seinfeld
we were not talking about seinfeld. i dont remember how i came to the conclusion of seinfeld
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