Am vaccinated, Thread:

So. Back when the media was making a big deal out of the Pfizer vaccine and claiming full safety and 99% effectiveness I dug up their testing criteria and noted how the groups excluded from trials... all the way through Phase III, including pregnant women.
I also noted when it was shoved through the FDA that I am extremely skeptical of the amount of media influence pushing pfizer and moderna. I still doubt the reports that pfizer has a 99% efficacy because of how long the media reported it as 99%

(I have taken the pfizer vaccine.)
When the media reports that a vaccine is out and the company says (Pfizer claimed this long before the FDA review) it's 99% just look at our company-produced facts sheet...

(I have taken the pfizer vaccine)
... and it's a deadly pandemic that people just want out of, it's easy to accept corporate claims alone.

(I have taken the pfizer vaccine)
I don't blame anyone for rushing to it. But I say this to emphasize how the media can convince us of anything, and why the media outpouring of pfizer should have had more people questioning things.

(I have taken the pfizer vaccine)
I do not trust Pfizer as a company. I do not trust Pfizer's ability to research drugs. I do not trust their claims of 99% effectiveness. I do not trust that the FDA sufficiently reviewed Pfizer's trials. And I do not trust the Pfizer's trial was sufficiently diverse.
I don't really trust any pharmaceutical company making profits off of people in a pandemic with their vaccines. However, I trust Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna the absolute least, and J&J the most given exclusion criteria alone, without getting into J&J accounting for variants.





I have taken by first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, and will be taking my second. I disavow the republican party and conservatives, However, I need to talk to you fucking liberals here.

You can't be taking the news and the claims of multibill$ corps at face value.
Especially when they are more than willing to deceive and manipulate you to make a quick $ on your suffering and medical needs.

There is no reason that the media should have taken and run with non-verified corporate claims in november.
When you blindly and uncritically signal-boost big media and big corporations without forming your own opinion as best you can, you get people hurt.

Stop doing it.
The failure of the government, the public and most professionals to completely double-check megacorps claims for their vaccines efficacy is getting people hurt.
World governments paying people a UBI and completely ceasing evictions to stay home for 6 more months would have allowed them to properly curve the spread, and test vaccines on an actually representative sample, as well as on all variants.
I will be taking my second Pfizer shot. However, everyone needs to learn from this lesson.

If I had the option of the J&J I would have taken it. The incidence of blood clots is below that caused by simply being a woman, and below that cause by covid itself.
Be more critical of the shit the media tells you.

I have taken the pfizer vaccine.
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