I understand what you’re all trying to do by sharing photos and videos of settler colonial violence in Jerusalem. It is disgusting and it is abhorrent BUT can you please just think for a second about why you are posting this content and the impact that it has.... 1/6
Graphic exposure to settler colonial violence doesn’t do what you think it does. It desensitises us to the violence - to the image of Palestinian bodies being held at gun point, being violated at checkpoints, being abused in their houses and forced out of their homes. 2/6
By sharing this content, you’re normalising settler colonial violence against Palestinians and reinforcing the narrative that this is just business as usual in the ‘Middle East’. 3/6
You shouldn’t have to post graphic content of settler colonial violence for people to become ‘aware’ of what’s happening in Palestine. Our trauma doesn’t exist for the education of others. 4/6
For us Palestinians, the imagery you’re reposting / retweeting is a) highly and deeply traumatising, and b) near impossible for us to escape. Please consider what you’re posting and if you feel like you need to post graphic content, please use content warnings. 5/6
What is happening in Jerusalem is not new. Settler violence is not new. It has been ongoing in Palestine for over 74 years and on this continent for over 200. What are you doing about it besides sharing graphic content on social media and then putting your phone away? 6/6
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