I know people are wondering why they aren't seeing Egyptians comment on the Cleopatra MAP call, but the thing about speaking out about cultural appropriation in white-dominated communities is that very often it's just you against an army of white people who refuse to listen
Uh... I don't know why twitter decided to delete the rest of this thread without my knowledge but I assure you all it wasn't me, I'm a bit miffed that all the work I put into explaining this problem got wiped
TL;DR There's a long history of colonizers invading MENA countries and fetishizing their cultures as a means of oppression, so a white artist using the stereotypical view of Ancient Egypt for a MAP about feral cats is fucked up
Also, just because you are unlikely to run into someone from a colonized culture you're not familiar with in your online communities doesn't mean appropriating that culture is okay
Cool? Cool
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