CIX as Disney Princesses Sons; a thread
BX as Elsa's son ❄

Just like Elsa. BX has this cold and strong aura of a leader. But deep down that strong persona. He has this warm and soft personality towards others.
Seunghun as Belle's son 🌹

Just like Belle. Seunghun is very kind, friendly, very caring and family oriented person. And not to mention he has this beasty body with a beautiful face.
Bae Jinyoung as Aurora's son 💋

Just like Aurora. Jinyoung is a very well driven person. If he want something he will do everything just to get it. Plus he's also a sleeping beaty.
Yonghee as Snow White's son 🍎

Just like Snow White. Yonghee is also the fairest of them all. His beauty is undoubtedly one of the best. He's very compassionate and kind like an angel.
Hyunsuk as Cinderella's son 🕰

Just like Cinderella. Hyunsuk is optimistic, carefree, skillful and at a very young age he already know how to be independent.
End of Thread.

It was so fun making this. Cause CIX really resembles some of Disney Princesses personalities and traits.
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