The "freedom" convoy that passed through here yesterday is the perfect encapsulation of the strands of right wing conspiracy mongering and self serving hyperindividualism that serve as the heart of modern capitalist society.
The organizers and attendees of the pro-plague rally rattled off the usual selfish canards of wanting small businesses to be open, that civil liberties are being eroded akin to Nazi Germany and that the lying leaders should be locked up. Let's analyse their lies.
The idea that they want small businesses opened is perhaps the most self-serving of all. These people do not care about any small businesses other than the one they potentially own; just look at what happened at the Forks.
This is purely rhetorical and is used to give a veneer of relatability to other segments of society that idolize markets above all else. It is past time to take this "concern" at face value or try to use it as a "gotcha" moment when denouncing their actions: They. Don't. Care.
As overwhelming white & wealthy people for whom the state provides endless benefits (at the expense of BIPOC communities both here and abroad) and has their entire lives, any nudge towards required collective action is anathema to how they perceive the world or how it works.
The state will turn out in full force against those who stand against capital but will happily ignore illegal rallies provided they do not challenge the existing structures or operations that keep capital flowing. Did anyone notice any COVID enforcement present? Doubtful
The turn against political leaders that occupy ideologies nearly identical to their own shows how deeply ingrained this self-destructive current runs. They do not care that nearly 1000 people have lost their lives and that the blood of all these people is on Pallister's hands.
All the plague rally attendees truly care about is that they cannot consume whatever they desire, when they desire it. This is what has them up in arms! Not the lives of fellow people, but that they indulge their need to consume!
The reluctance of the PC Government to lock down and provide the resources people need to get through it shows that Profit is valued over People. This is indistinguishable from the guiding principles of the rally attendees; it is a matter of degrees, not a fundamental difference.
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