Why one piece is the peak of the shonen genre (thread)
This is the second thread I made so keep that in mind Gonna be going point by point and THIS IS MY OPINION if you disagree then I’m willing to argue about it
World building: WB in one piece even early on makes you feel immersed in the world. instead of just monologing what we need to know or what’s necessary for the plot oda shows us and puts us in the SH’s position. we learn about the world when they do which makes it feel rich
Even non-one piece fans agree that OP world building is unmatched but imo what one piece does the best are the characters
Cast: OP’s cast is unparalleled all of the SH’s are well written and almost instantly likeable and the dynamic between them still is the best I’ve seen in anime pre-ts has some of the most amazing writing for them Oda’s ability to make you love a character after one arc is crazy
Plot: Despite how shonen the plot starts the unveiling of history and backstory’s on the characters is what separates OP from the rest so many questions that are foreshadowed being answered or leading to more questions mean every time you watch you are in for a new ride
Symbolism: OP’s symbolism is incredible the parallel’s between the arc villains and Luffy being some of my favorite in manga so far it’s so cool to rewatch with a better understanding of the symbolism oda was creating and having more appreciation for the arcs
Peaks: One piece still has the highest peaks of any anime I’ve watched going back and watching my favorite iconic scenes will never get boring just these pictures hold so much weight
Some more
lows: OP isn’t perfect because nothing is but even in some of the worst arcs there are 10/10 moments one thing about oda is that he knows how to end an arc
The shonen genre has been around for almost 60 years but I think it’s safe to say that one piece takes the shonen format and brings it to it’s highest form when it comes to plot, characters, symbolism, World building, and unforgettable moments little to no anime come close
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