if ur under 18 please do not interact w me on this website, all the love for u but stay away 😌😌😌
I think teens totally deserve spaces online and I’m happy for them to follow and learn but also I guess having been a teen who grew up online I think my biggest regret is not understanding I was a teen and allowing myself to interact w people who should know better
therefore trust me when I say that if you’re under 18 and grown ass adults are like hyper friendly with you, it is a little weird and not always a good sign! not assuming intention and I do believe in intergenerational friendships, but all in good time u know.
so sure u may “follow me” but don’t dm me or expect me to develop a friendship with you bc to me you’re developmentally a child lol (which is good, enjoy that shit dude)
and I want to be clear bc don’t wanna sound like victim blaming myself but more reminding teens they do have agency in their interactions with adults (as well as the adults). there are inherent power dynamics, and if people try to act like there aren’t when interacting Red Flag!
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