Mhm okay just throwing in my two cents here. Yes, most things on edtwt is Pro-ED. However, that is different from intentionally calling yourself Pro-ED and making content that is supposed to be triggering. [thread]
Posting things like thinspo, your calorie counts, "accountability" threads [for themself*] and personal body / weight checks are yes, technically pro-ED. However, a lot of people use these as venting mediums and their harm is not nearly as direct.
That harm is more of an internalized harm. Technically, as a venting method, people aren't inherently saying "hey, do this!" but almost everyone who consumes this content will experience competitiveness and worsen their behavior.
I personally do read & like these posts but do not feel comfortable retweeting or making these types of posts on MY account as I don't want to encourage those behaviors, however, i don't think those who post these things are usually ill-intented.
In terms of publicly posted meanspo, sweetspo, and other verbal - spos; this is inherently pro-ED. Posting words of encouragement for people to starve, purge, restrict, overexercise, etc. to.
Again, I consume & like this content and I want to be clear about that because I am not "above" anyone who does, but will not retweet / create posts like that for this reason.
Any form of weight loss tips are usually* pro-ED. Teaching people how to purge, overexercise, starve, restrict, etc. to reach a lower weight is inherently promoting disordered behaviors.
*** I put an astericks hear because obviously healthy weight loss exists, but let's be honest, most people on edtwt do not post HEALTHY weightloss tips.
Again, to be transparent, I consume & like this content but refuse to make or retweet it myself as it isn't something I personally feel comfortable with.
With those out of the way, I want to say I don't think it is inherently pro-ED to interact with those types of posts as long as you don't share them with others.
I feel like meanspo, sweetspo, etc. and weight loss tips are more of a gray area in my opinion as well because the people running those accounts are usually pretty disordered & often might feel like their ED is their best trait or even "skill". Consumers are often desperate.
Some people might justify these types of accounts as "for themself" but that doesn't hold up when the option to private accounts exist. Also, y'know... a fuckin' diary or some shit? Your notes app?
Competitive / accountability gcs ? Calorie counting gcs ? I don't think I have to explain why it's pro-ED but I will! If you're there to fuel your eating disorder, what do you think everyone else is there to do?
Last thing on my mind is fatspo. Lots of people with EDs may experience weight related fears, especially of being "fat". That's part of the disorder for some of us. However, publicly shaming people for their weight is NOT disordered, it's extremely rude?
Fatspo often also just comes with terrible comments telling the "OP" to starve, lose some weight, have some "self-control" which is very pro-ED.
There's a lot more I can talk about in regards to fatspo but that is another thread.
In conclusion, lots of edtwt posts & interacts with pro-ED content but it's not a black & white good or bad situation.
pro-ED often comes with two mindsets! 1] pro acceptance in which we share our thoughts & 2] active encouragement to develop and/or continue disordered behaviors
the first one should be finished with "with the recognition that these posts may be disordered" however, if it were true, this discussion wouldn't be happening.
anyway erm end of thread. i really took to my academic history here and deconstructed this more than i should have but i enjoyed this. if you read this through, thank you so much! /gen
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