anarchic struggle outside of western countries: a thread
many of these struggles cite anarchism as their foundation explicitly, and many practice stateless egalitarianism in methods that predate the term anarchism or communism
anarchist struggle in west papua has largely been through anti fascism and through labor rights and has been around since the 1920s, it also has a long history of resistance against japanese and western imperialism
Brazil has a history with anarchism dating back to the 1800s, communes, antifascist resistance, syndicalism, and resistance to state repression
In China, there is a complicated and long history of anarchism in relationship to nationalist ideas and its conflicts with marxism, but nonetheless several anarchists were majorly influential in the revolution
the complicated relationship between being opposed to american intervention and state repression in iran
on the anarchist participation in the cuban revolution and their subsequent repression. critiques of the concept of "critical support"
another compelling book showing the work of anarchists in the philippines to resist colonialism and their ideological struggles with maoists and the fascist government of duterte in the country
anarchic struggle in haiti has resisted neoliberalism, government corruption, gangs, and colonialism
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