Some highlights from the absolutely CRINGE interview of Peter Singer in The New Yorker. Racism, orientalism, ableism, AND transphobia all at once. Are we surprised? No. Are we still deeply horrified? Forever and always 💕 1/5
1) These moments, where Singer says that African philosophers and bioethicists are not “at a level of discussion that [he’s] interested in.” When pressed on it, he admits that challenging this assumption “[has] not been one of [his] priorities.” 2/5
2) This bit, where Singer repeats his claim that parents should be allowed to murder their disabled children and then embraces the fact that it’s an ableist position. 3/5
3) This passage, where Singer claims that trans people present “restrictions on biological females,” that the existence of transphobia requires better evidence, and that gender-critical feminists are having their free speech taken away. 4/5
It’s not that we need any additional reasons to pursue intersectional, transnational abolition and justice work. But this interview is such a nice reminder of how much of this work is left to be done inside the US academy 😬🙃 5/5
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