So how bad is COVD in India at the moment? Think back to New York City last April and now imagine that playing out at the scale of a nation with 1B+ people.
(2/n) In the last week, I have had colleagues lose family members, as well as colleagues, and family members battling COVID across the country. My semi-retired dad who has been a doctor in Chennai for over 50 years, is taking 100+ calls a day helping people with this scourge.
(3/n) He is taking calls from around the country and around the clock. He has seen a lot in his time as a doctor, but nothing in his professional or personal experience has even come close to this.
(4/n) I would encourage you to look at this curated list of resources for ways in which you can help - thank you to @draditinerurkar and friends for curating this list:
(5/n) For USD donations to purchase medical Oxygen - please consider (they have a $400K target and are only 1/4 of the way thru at the moment): 
(6/n) For crypto donations - please consider (backed by @balajis and @VitalikButerin):
(7/n) For on the ground collaboration - suppliers, volunteers etc. - please take a look at this Telegram group started by @SonuSood - Sonu has done more than any other Bollywood celebrity in fighting this pandemic:
(8/n) Also, big thank you to @KunalSood (what's it with the Sood's) for using his reach to bring attention to what's needed to combat COVID in India via his @joinClubhouse group - please keep this going on a daily basis if possible đŸ™đŸŸđŸ™đŸŸđŸ™đŸŸ
(9/n) I will continue to add curated resources, CH sessions etc. to this thread as they come thru - please RT as you see fit - thank you!
You can follow @sahilz79.
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