Through the past year, I've been struck by how many doctors have linked poverty and treatment of workers with vulnerability to COVID -- and overall health.

So when @richardzussman asked Dr. Henry whether she wants #bcpoli to resource paid sick leave, the response was jarring. 1/
I can't think of a single doctor or epidemiologist I've spoken to who wouldn't answer with a firm "yes, absolutely."
But Dr. Henry gave a vague, political answer about workplace safety plans & focussing vaccines at outbreaks.
Remember, we're told PHO is an independent office. 2/
"How unexpected that an NDP government isn't using this as an opportunity to quickly implement a paid sick leave program?"
Yes, and how unexpected the province's top doctor didn't firmly advocate for a policy to help keep sick people at home without fear of not making rent. 4/
"Penny, aren't you on a day off? Why are you tweeting about #bcpoli and COVID when your to-do list is longer than your arm?" 5/5
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