So first of all I’ll just say I fully expect nothing to come of the Arizona audit, BUT:

What even happens if they discover fraud there and it’s enough to flip the county? (10k votes)

Dems control both houses of Congress, the Executive and are about to stuff the supreme court
So most extreme case Arizona flips, then what? We see massive unrest in other swing states?

Like Jan 6th all over the place?

Realistically all I could see happening is an excuse for Biden to throw down martial law, maybe why he’s going so ham on guns rn
The whole fall of the Roman Republic/Last President timeline would have a civil war followed by Trump dying and an emperor taking his place

Or maybe it would be Biden croaking and Emperor Kamala 🤣🤣

Either way this is the type of crisis that would take us full NWO mode quick

Red states threaten secession if other swing states don’t recount, Biden goes martial law, civil war, US blows itself up then the UFOs show up

World has to form a single government entity to represent us, US to weak to resist establishment of NWO
Maybe not even full civil war, the Durham investigation is still going on (the whole basis for the Q mass arrest fan fic hopium porn)

Barr even threw some legal protections on it before he dipped. Come to think of it, probs would be less unrest if it comes out under blue control
Jk, perfect storm for civil war, imagine publicly available info on treasonous acts from the Obama admin, Clinton Foundation ect ect

Everything under blue control so no arrests could be made but all clearly guilty af, combined with audits and shit, people would be in the streets
Ultimately what they want is a completely divided America to the point that we destroy ourselves and get weak enough to want an emperor

So I’m not even saying this is a good outcome, but then again I’ll take it over the sleepy joe, vaccine passports FEMA camp timeline 🤣🤣
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