TW// bullying, self harm, abuse

I’ve been sitting on this for a few hours and I think it needs to be said:

I’m done with kpop fans and the conversation of bullying and abuse. After what transpired this morning, y’all make me sick and it’s hard to be on Twitter right now.
Seeing people victim shame Mina and try to make her into this... evil character... over her IG post is just.. I legitimately hate this app.

It’s also disgusting seeing people tweet about bullying and Mina’s situation while then turning and supporting and defending their faves..
Do y’all not see the problem? These idols and celebrities ARE ONLINE. You may not be purposely targeting any ONE idol, OR PERSON, but others are going through similar situations and see what you’re saying and who you’re defending or attacking.
A great example is what happened with the new bg who’s Twitter account got suspended. I saw international fans trying to put all the blame on Korean netizens but most of those 13K quotes were in English from English speaking countries. Even some old moots I had to SB.
Y’all will preach about bullying and say y’all advocate for these victims but y’all do NOT care. You CAN NOT openly support abusive people and then turn and try and use Mina’s pain as fuel for retweets or attention.
These tweets are in *NO WAY* attempting to give a reason for her actions because mental health isn’t that simple, and it’s also really not our business. I just want Mina to be okay.
What these tweets *ARE* saying, however, is that y’all need to be consistent with your shit. Y’all will dogpile people on Twitter for dragging abusive celebrities but then tears eyed once you’re shown what may potentially occur in a victim of this aggressive bullying.
Do y’all not understand that the shit y’all post makes no sense? To people like me, and others who genuinely care for these victims, yalls’ “support” is nothing but performative and degrading.

These victims aren’t stupid. They know you’re not being sincere.
Quite literally less than an hour after everything happened, I got a fuckin CC telling me to off myself because of the SJ situation and then another one telling me that they were mad that Hyunjoo “wasn’t successful” in her attempt because I called out April.
Y’all are vile, and I 100% get why idols are hesitant to trust y’all.

Dont make HER pain about YOU *or* attempt to use this situation as a way to subtly change the narrative or focus of your faves. I have almost 1K accs blocked as I tweet this thread because of these issues.
I don’t know how to end this thread, because I have so much unbridled irritation and anger for Mina and for every bullying victim who continues to be mocked or turned into a martyr.
I also know this thread will cause me to get ratioed... again... or I’ll be attacked... again, but I don’t care.

I’ve always been a firm believer in genuinely supporting and believing victims first, even with idols/celebrities I like.

I’d be a hypocrite otherwise.
So, I guess as a final tweet for this thread:

I probably could’ve worded some stuff better or focused more on a core topic but I can’t really think straight and I’m not 100% healthy (still kinda sick).

TLDR: Compassion goes a long way and can save lives. DO BETTER. BE BETTER.
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