"The first thing we saw was that she was talking more."

This is what happens when you take your kid out of ABA.

The autistic child who had "elopement" problems suddenly didn't "elope" and run away anymore.
This person even talks about how ABA might have made this person's autistic child's auditory sensitivity worse.

It's almost like ABA doesn't care about autistic kids well-being. 🤷🏻

This person was taught to "ignore the bad behaviors." "Now instead, I ask her why & it's better"
"When we started ABA I thought it was the greatest thing in the world because, she was more compliant. She was learning to bottle it all up and push everything all down and be obedient over time. But over time, there's a cost to that, and it's just not worth it."
"This is not how humans should be learning. We need to do better for autistic children."
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