71 people died in a single nursing home because nobody in the federal government understood that a traveller in "quarantine" at a home with others is not actually in quarantine.

EVERY residents were infected, over 100 staff, > 220 cases in total. All linked to one traveller who was not made to quarantine in a hotel or otherwise unoccupied residence, nor undergo mandatory testing.

How many were labelled "travel" by @PublicHealthON @smdhu?
Answer: Pretty much zero.
Probably exactly zero.
OK, maybe 1, the staffer who shared a residence with the traveller.

@SMDhealthunit noted 3430 cases occurring from 12/20 to 2/28. Only 48 were labelled as travel related.
919 cases were deemed "outbreak related"...

None of them with an official case acquisition type of "travel".
Here's the age breakdown of the 48 related travel cases: exactly 8 cases were in the ages 50+, one of them acquired after the Roberta Place outbreak was declared over. Probably weren't many <50s in Roberta Place.
So an entire nursing home was ravaged -- every resident infected, 105 staff infections, over 220 cases, and 71 deaths -- as a result of an identified, known primary imported B117 case...

Yet basically zero of these were officially labelled as travel-acquired.
Thus the problem with @BillBlair and the federal @liberal_party continually trotting out "2% of total cases are related to travel" propaganda.

It's absolute BS.

Known imported B117 ->household contact ->220+ cases, 71 deaths

Yet >99% called something other than travel-related
Source: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/confirmed-positive-cases-of-covid-19-in-ontario

*correction, title of age breakdown graph should specify 12/20-2/28 not 2/18
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