I'm home and it's quieter and my brain feels very overstimulated. Is anyone else watching the Sesame Street special in an hour?
#SesameStreet is the most magical street in the world. Diagon Alley can fuck right off.
We're 21 minutes in to this #SesameStreet special, and they've already both talked more about discussing race and showed more people of color (both working behind the scenes and celebrity fans) than most adult media that touts itself as progressive.
I would deal with my COVID subway anxiety if I could take the train to #SesameStreet. Can someone please tell me how to get there?
#SesameStreet Wait, is @SoniaMManzano okay with fans offering to buy her a martini? Cause I thought we were all doing the "we're New Yorkers, we don't acknowledge celebrities" but she was MARIA. I would buy her ALL the drinks.
#SesameStreet Sonia Manzano's comments about how until there's representation you don't realize you're allowed to exist made me cry. Again. I ALREADY CRIED OVER MR HOOPER AND OVER THE DIVERSITY CURRICULUM.
#SesameStreet They're interviewing civilians who are touched by Sesame Street and talking about using Rosita to confront people's bigotry against Spanish speakers. My HEART.
#SesameStreet Looks like we're about to get a segment on backlash to Sesame Street being inclusive. I just heard the word "gateway Muppet" and I just want to be clear that if anyone is mean to a single strand of fur on any of their heads I will fight them.
oh sorry the hashtag is apparently #SesameStreet50, will rectify going forward for following or blocking needs.
#SesameStreet50 Sesame Street is talking about AIDS more than most adult media claiming to explain histories of pandemics. I am torn between loving Sesame Street SO MUCH, and being so angry at how adults don't even try.
#SesameStreet50 Fuck Bill O'Reilly and his asshole anti-gay and anti-Muppet agenda.
#SesameStreet50 ...This is an official, Sesame Street-sanctioned documentary, and they just teased a discussion of homosexuality after the break, including "I think denying [Bert and Ernie are partners] was a mistake." Despite the last 47 minutes I've livetweeted, I am shocked.
#SesameStreet50 Okay but hear me out: if James Buchanan Barnes and Steven Grant Rogers are both superheroes, Roosevelt Franklin should be too. He meets the main qualification (presidential part of his name).
#SesameStreet50 Love that they're dealing with Roosevelt Franklin leaving, and how even though issues were valid, it removed necessary representation. "White people can do whatever they want because they have" so much representation and one Muppet couldn't be everything.
#SesameStreet50 They're saying they handled Bert and Ernie's sexuality wrong. "If you relate to these characters as gay, that's fine. That's what makes Sesame Street so special." This is Sesame Street Word of God. If you needed to hear this, this is for you.
#SesameStreet50 One two three FOUR FIVE, six seven eight NINE ten, eleven twelve.
#SesameStreet50 I'm really stuck on how this is an official documentary that's equal parts how great the show is, but things it hasn't either. They talked about race, about AIDS, undocumented people, gay people, trans people, and what they've managed and how far they have to go.
#SesameStreet50 They're talking about how to talk to foster kids, and Rosie Perez is talking about how much this would have meant to her as a kid. And now unhoused people, and drug addiction, and incarcerated family members. If you aren't watching this documentary, PLEASE watch.
#SesameStreet50 They're talking about Julia now. They haven't talked about the Autism Speaks debacle, but they chose to speak to Julia's creator (who has an autistic son) and a young autistic girl who has been able to use Julia to make people understand her worldview.
#SesameStreet50 They're talking to refugees and their responsibility to make sure people know about it, because there's so little budget for societal education. I just want to throw money at Sesame Street. They deserve it.
(I apologize for my grammar in some of these tweets, my brain is jumping around a lot and I'm not doing fabulously at reining it in but the doc is really SO GOOD.)
#SesameStreet50 Life is about more than just survival.
#SesameStreet50 They're gonna talk Sesame Street and COVID. I think I'm just gonna start crying now so they don't catch me unaware.
(This is dramatic exaggeration, I don't actually CRY at 90% of media, but I do feel extremely emotional and touched and "I'm crying" fits the Twitter character limit much easier.)
#SesameStreet50 Thanks to the pandemic, Rosita is video chatting with Dr. Biden. If @ratemyskyperoom gives Rosita a fraction under a 10/10 I am burning down twitter.
#SesameStreet50 Dr. Fauci talking to Muppets is amazing.
#SesameStreet50 COVID is really hammering in how much ADULTS need Sesame Street as much as kids do.
#SesameStreet50 They're talking about how police violence against Black people is impacting very young children. I wish the Senate were willing to watch Sesame Street.
#SesameStreet50 "Kids are ready for this conversation, if only the grown-ups in their lives would have the courage to talk about it."
#SesameStreet50 We've only STARTED to meet the Black Muppet family. The mom went to Howard and is a social worker. The grandmother (dad's mom) is close to her son. They're leaning in on cultural specificity- I was typing so I missed details, why is no one else livetweeting this.
#SesameStreet50 Sonia Manzano is talking about a Black, gay man who wrote to her saying (I'm paraphrasing but only barely) that Sesame Street taught him there were good people in the world. This is the legacy of the show, isn't it? That people are good.
#SesameStreet50 "As long as you're willing to do the work, there is work to be done."
#SesameStreet50 That was an amazing documentary about an amazing show. And since this doc is not getting the livetweets it deserves, some people are looking at these, so please indulge me for a moment:
#SesameStreet50 I love Sesame Street with all my heart, but I've been struggling with it lately. My dad has Alzheimer's, and Sesame Street is one of the things he'll watch for hours. It feels like the context of everything flipped.
#SesameStreet50 "Bird" (as in Big) was one of my first words. I dragged a stuffed Ernie doll around with me. My dad got home from work at 7 PM and we'd watch the Muppet Show together on Nickelodeon. Muppets are tied to growing up with my dad for me in a big way.
#SesameStreet50 A year or two ago I gave him one of my stuffed Grovers. (I had two.) He holds his baby Kermit doll a lot. He doesn't have the attention span for the Muppets but we watch Sesame Street's YouTube channel together for hours.
#SesameStreet50 Most of the time lately I hear Elmo's voice and I think of my dad, looking at the TV but almost looking through it, and it makes me feel how much I've lost. But this special reminded me of how much is THERE- in the show, and in life- right when I needed it to.
#SesameStreet50 Thanks for 51 great years, Sesame Street. There are millions of kids like me who grew up living on you, and we don't even realize every day how much you meant. But some days, like today, we know. And we're glad you let us visit.
#SesameStreet50 And no matter what else happens with my dad, no matter how much he forgets, no matter how much he can't recognize me- I'm 36 and he's 71 and we're still watching Sesame Street together. That's not nothing. When you think about it, it's pretty fucking amazing.
Please don't let Elmo or Big Bird see these tweets, I didn't mean to curse in front of them, I'm just feeling emotional.
Oh, they can see me telling Bill O'Reilly to go fuck himself, though. That's important for decent Muppets to learn at a young age.
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