I’ve had a revelation. Hear me out:

I’ve been doing some deep thinking, and I’ve come to realize that A LOT of people in my life, both past and present, are emotionally stunted.
I’ve come to realize that I’ve had the privilege throughout my life to be in an environment where I was able to grow and prosper both mentally and emotionally. There’s quite a few people I know who’ve NEVER had that.
I often find myself getting so frustrated with friends, family, and acquaintances over the almost always overwhelming lack of emotional maturity they exhibit. It’s mind boggling at times. Until I recently had a thought.
I had to remind myself that no one in my life grew up the same way I did. Most people did not have the same lessons, experiences, and people to teach them how to develop a sense of emotional maturity.
Everyone has had unique experiences throughout life. Those things can definitely effect how people mature and navigate through the world. I grew up very sheltered, I haven’t had most of the experiences that may hinder my mental maturing as I get older.
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