so close to getting it
“According to the Bureau’s numbers not only were 20% of the KKK’s members working for the FBI, the FBI was responsible for 70% of the [then] recent growth in the KKK’s membership & that rather than having the effect of reverting violence, it resulted in ‘the tail wagging the dog”
the FBI has always attempted to play a double game, seeking to destroy black activists while feigning concern for white supremacists.

This meeting took place 10 days after the FBI sent an anonymous letter to MLK trying to convince King to kill himself->
Despite being founded at the height of Jim Crow in 1908 the FBI was explicitly created to fight anarchists. It didn’t even bother to fake fight white militias until 1918, when it was forced to. the FBI’s own history on its website is clear it’s primary aim was fighting leftists
(Incidentally I think some turn-of-the-century anarchists would object to being called Marxists)
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