PLS READ TILL THE END‼️honestly? all the shit going on in both fandoms shld stop. all fandoms hv toxic ppl in them who start shit unprovoked and then others follow. if I say smthg abt x grp, a fan will hate on my fav, then sm1 else on their fav, and the cycle never ends. I truly+
wish we cld all agree to not engage and just report, block and share links so it's easier to take these ppl down btwn both fandoms. I'm not asking for world peace, just to stop unnecessary drama. hate on mg, hj, 42, anything abt mental health has to stop. 'x did it first' idgaf +
abt that. none of this is going to stop unless both sides calm down. I'm not telling u to not defend your fav, no wtf? but that when it's obviously a troll or wtvr, no need to drag anyone else in it. attack /this/ specific prsn, not the grp. +
I don't want to see negativity regarding this thread as it's not my intention and no 'tell your fandom first'. it's literally both. none of us is 100% right. each fandom sees things from its pov so x will mainly see the toxic y fandom and vice versa.
no one knows everything that's going on in their fandom. (I'm personally not on the toxic side of twt.) you want proof? we want proof too. so let's give e/o that instead of going in circles and repeating the same shit again and again. for everyone's sake.
I don't want to make this too long and you can disagree with me, but I had to let this out. I hv more to say but that's it.

PS: Idk abt anything that happened in the spaces now, I'm just saying this bc it had to be said.
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