A thread on how to deal with Jehovah Witnesses who knock on your door.

Everyone has their funny stories about this.

"I answered the door naked."
"I told them I worship satan."

I was raised in a JW family and I want to share something with you.

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When I was 10, they started grooming me to knock on doors.

They dressed me up in a little suit. They gave me one of those cheap accordion briefcases. They taught me what to say.

Two adult men would sit in the car and send me up to knock on the door.

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Here's what happened to me.

I had adults answering the door naked.
I heard all about satanic orgies.
I was spit on.
One guy threw a cup of piss on me that he had been saving by his door.

It was traumatizing. I was 10.

The adult JWs told me it was god testing me.

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So please, don't traumatize anyone.

Just tell them to leave you the fuck alone, and not to come back.

Put up a sign on your door.

I hate christianity too, but please remember that plenty of the people knocking on your door DON'T WANT TO BE THERE.

Christians are victims too.
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