Let’s discuss a couple of things.
Firstly, vaccines DO NOT “promote mutations.” This is very dangerous and misleading. The only way mutation occurs is when a virus replicates. Vaccination means no infection. No infection means no replication. No replication means no new variants! https://twitter.com/mdbuckley/status/1386717885020753930
Viruses need hosts to mutate. Protect the host and they can’t mutate. Simple right? OH wait. B-but non-sterilizing immunity, Chise! Oh, say it isn’t so! Aren’t we worried about it selecting for variants that could evade SOME immune responses? Um, no. Why? Because...
ALL THE REAL-WORLD data shows this does not happen in fully vaccinated individuals. There isn’t a variant present that has evaded vaccine-induced immune responses. But what about breakthrough infections? Oh yes, let’s discuss those because an argument in this thread is made
using a study for talking points on “breakthrough infections” in Israel but fails to address the fact there were NO cases of B.1.351 detected after two weeks post second dose renders the argument utterly useless. One could argue if that was a breakthrough. Point rendered useless. https://twitter.com/sailorrooscout/status/1381662019389128711
Will breakthrough infections happen? Yes, they will. Are they small right now? Absolutely. Will they go down even further the more people are vaccinated? BINGO. That’s the whole point of vaccination my friends. Let’s move onto Chile. Yes, Chile.
Please see this beautiful thread by John Burn-Murduoch on Chile’s situation. Chile is actually doing better. Their initial failure was due to not accounting for the fact that immunity is not instantaneous upon vaccination but we can clearly see the vaccines are taking effect. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1384878176246112259
You wouldn’t know this by reading the original article though would you? Right. Important details are left out because it doesn’t suit the rhetoric. Oh! Before I forget, since this was addressed as well. Check out the effectiveness of the Coronavac vaccine in Chile.
very slow vaccination rates. That’s the only part I might agree on, however, we are seeing data that their vaccines are indeed effective against B.1.617 but that isn’t mentioned in this piece either.
If you're fully vaccinated, you not only have a lower chance of being infected, because again, breakthrough infections are rare (seriously, look at the data out of the CDC- this includes the variants) it is unlikely you can transmit it. More people vaccinated, less spread.
This article not only reeks of voices who apparently do not grasp the basic fundamentals of virology or immunology, but it blatantly undermines the success of these vaccines and refutes real-world data and one can only wonder what the motivation is. Not one study is mentioned.
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