BPD is shitty enough as is. But (and I’m not trying to make this about me by all means) BPD and Addiction/Alcoholism is fucking brutal especially when drugs and alcohol are your go-to coping mechanism https://twitter.com/jadeantoinetter/status/1386795464373284869
Like, from my current experience, I keep hearing about people in my sober living talking about how much better their life is because of sobriety and 12 Step recovery, then there’s me doing the whole goddamn deal with 12 Step programs and putting my fucking ALL into recovery and
I still feel empty. And knowing I can’t go back to drinking/using because it’ll just make my life worse yet again kills me inside…
I mean, yes, I have my good days/moments/whatever but I still have that chronic void. And by no means am I saying I wanna go back out and use with this thread. I’m just painting a picture of what I feel a majority of the time. On a brighter note, things have been better lately
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