Reminder: there's no "prosperity theology" in Islam. We don’t believe that if things are going well then that means Allah loves you and if things are bad then that means Allah hates you.

People who believe that are in for a big surprise.
You cannot ascribe the blessings that you currently have to yourselves, because when the hardships come (and it’s a matter of when, not if), it’s going to hurt so much more if you didn’t take the time to correct that attitude in advance.
If you ascribe the state of blessing that you’re in to your own doing, when it’s taken away from you, the person who took it away from you becomes an enemy. This is why you'll see people becoming angry with Allah after their hard fall from grace.
In the Hereafter, those who saw the signs of Allah and ignored them will be resurrected in a state of blindness. This verse shows us how the individual being resurrected will attribute the ability of sight to themselves and the adversity of blindness to Allah.
The blessings bestowed upon us weren't bestowed upon us solely because of our hard work, but because Allah chose us to be in that position. Not because we’re better, but because Allah tests everyone uniquely and in the way that gives them the best chance of success.
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