Because Edmond means everything to me, I’ve decided to write a thread (as a small gift to everyone who shares the love to Edmond just like me) with some interesting info about (almost everything) concerning him! I’ll be really grateful for your attention, comments, likes and RTs!
And first of all a small [Disclaimer]:
☆This thread might be a little bit messy because
☆I’ll add more posts eventually, so stay tuned!
☆ Sadly, but there may be some difficulties with the thread navigation, pls make sure you’ve checked the whole subthreads!
☆Some information of posts will be in Russian, so I’m really sorry if Google Translate translates it incorrectly ;;;;
So, let’s finally begin!
4) The CD Drama

Я уверена, что про переводы русскоязычного сообщества в курсе все, но на всякий случай, для полноты картины
Напоследок мои переводы:
Я работаю над ру переводом сд драмы с японского (японско-китайского, ахем) уже много времени (начала раньше тех ребят с ютуба), за что мне очень стыдно, но то, что я занимаюсь этим в полном одиночестве и попарно тону в море учебы не оставляет выбора(
К тому же, я перевожу мангу про Синдбада, она будет и на english…
Простите за нытьё, но если благодаря треду найдется герой-редактор, готовый помочь, я буду очень-очень рада,,,,
Из готового можете глянуть мой перевод манги:
С мангадексом в последнее время какие-то проблемы, так что если Вас заинтересовало ссылка на гугл диск:
And one more little thingy -- Edmond’s epilogue phrase about the summer event
Btw, I’m on my way to translate the other things he has said during this event, so it would be great if you read those ones in the future too!
★2. Adaptations★
1) I won’t write there very much, someone has made a list of every movie adaptation of the novel, so please enjoy it! Btw, the comments are 10\\10, haha!
2) Так, а вот этим я по-правильному делиться не должна, но поскольку я вас всех очень люблю, то… В общем, это запись (возможно даже полная, я не смотрела) мюзикла по графу, реклама которого часто висит в спб с самым классным составом (с)!
3) Cameos and… sequels?
As the book is extremely popular, there are a lot of things inspired by it, cameos and so-called sequels…
Let’s begin with the funniest thing -- the so-called “sequel” written in Russian and published in 1990.
It tells the story of how the count goes to Russia and avenges… Alexander Pushkin’s death. Why Pushkin, you may ask? Welp, his killer’s (ok, the one who has killed him in the duel) surname in Russian is 100% identical to Edmond’s. And this is the reason why…
The title is «Последний платёж» but I don’t really know if it is translated in English; still, there is a plot briefly
“Edmond Dantes came to Moscow in 1838 (eh wat?) with Haydee who has already given birth to a boy and a girl (wtf??). While he was chilling at a restaurant,
a random student slapped Edmond in the face just as he had known his surname (za hell Monte Cristo tells his true surname oh god help me). Soon, the count realizes that he was mistaken as Georges d’Anthes and, being insulted that his surname has a bad reputation in Russia,
he decides to haunt d’Anthes and avenge Pushkin’s death.” So you can see how poorly developed this novel is, and there are a lot of weird moments even in this retelling
UPD! Apparently, there are a lot of sequels (according to Wikipedia), but… welp, you can read the titles:
As well as a bunch of other novels, inspired by "The Count of Monte Cristo", like “Mathias Sandorf”, “The Stars My Destination”, “The Stars' Tennis Balls”
As for cameos... well, FGO (ofc), Starira (the first pic) and the "Once Upon A Time" TV series (Season 06, Episode 02) ((the second pic))... that's all I know so far
*stares at Honkai*
*there's Sherlock*
★3. Some interesting facts about the novel★
First of all, the novel wasn’t written like a whole book and then printed. Instead, it’s known to be a feuilleton or a Shonen Jump back then (the publication was taking place in 1844-46)
And the book was EXTREMELY popular!
So popular that Dumas was able to build “Château de Monte-Cristo” and live a very rich life (he fucked up in the end, because of “being not good at finances”)
And people from other countries started to translate it before the release of the final chapter.
For example, in Russia, the translation started in 1845 and there were a bunch of people making different translations because of the HYPE. Though, a famous Russian literary critic Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky said something like:
“French belles-lettres novels are mass-market literature, they are not masterpieces at all. Their authors, like Dumas, have just average talents, they are not real geniuses. Those books, being popular now, will be undoubtedly forgotten in the future” yes he was a mean bitch
Welp, maybe “The Count of Monte Cristo” isn't a masterpiece though it’s still extremely popular today and maybe even more popular than the so-called “masterpieces”
Source (sadly in Russian too):
As you know, Russia is Russia, so the novel was censored for being too “revolutionary”. By Nicholas I, Dumas was seen as a seditious author (I’ll talk about it later), so his novels needed a little… edition
I’m lucky to have a 1905 print(the period of Nicholas II’s reign),and it was censored too… The meme is that during the Soviet period it was CENSORED AGAIN but the other way around:“revolutionary vibes? good. any mentions of the former regime? we don’t do it in the Soviet Russia”
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