🧵: I want to write a little bit about a topic that isn't talked about enough: failure. There's a lot of dialogue about using failure as a lesson to improve, and it CAN be. It also sometimes isn't about you at all, and is out of your control. All you can do then, is not give up.
I've had some major wins. I've fought hard for every single one of them, and I've been extremely lucky too. But I've also had some major losses, and times where it just was NOT MY SEASON. Times when nothing went right, no matter how hard I tried.
Or times when many things DID go right, but I didn't always get EVERYTHING, and those could be really hard too! Sometimes, failure was due to inexperience, something I could have done better, and could learn from, and sometimes, it was pure randomness and I missed out.
The biggest lesson I learned in those times when things were NOT MY SEASON is that 1) seasons change, and things will come around again and 2) no 'no' is forever, unless you don't adjust your strategy, and you give up.
I think a lot of folx don't want to talk about failure, it's painful! It's natural and understandable to only present the good things, but I want to assure you, that the coolest person you know has wanted something and didn't get it. We've all gone through it.
It doesn't mean you're not worthy. It doesn't meant it won't ever happen for you. It doesn't mean anything except that your success is out there still waiting for you, and we've all been through it with you. I've failed ten times for every win I've ever had.
So if you're feeling discouraged, or knocked back about anything, def feel your feelings, but don't let it make you give up on yourself and your dreams. Don't you ever give up.
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