I have a Panic Disorder related to needles. I hadn’t gotten a shot in over 20 years. Previously, I’d never had a shot w/o having to be physically restrained. I’ve had both my Moderna vaccines, now. Here are my vaccination tips: 1/? https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/1386740147635556353
1) Make a vaccination plan with your Dr. I had the luxury of making a full appt to discuss (thanks, ACA!). If you can’t, many will prescribe 1-2 Xanax to help get you through.

Chemistry is my first line of defense bc of the severity of my disorder, but it’s not the only way! 2/
2) If possible, pick the largest vaccine site around. They’re likely to be very efficient, have seen it all, and will have you in the “shot area” for the least amount of time.

Drive thru is best bc it feels like just waiting in any other drive thru. Less anxiety build up 3/
3)Communicate with the vaccinators. If you’re nervous about being able to talk, write down what they need to know-

Ex: “I have a panic disorder. I’ve taken X to help. Please let me close my eyes and don’t talk to me. 4/
The staff WANT to vaccinate you. They want it to go quickly and smoothly. Be upfront about your needs.

I didn’t go into the “shot area” until I’d had this discussion bc I knew the shot area would be triggering. Both shots, someone came forward to get me & I explained me needs.
4)Pick a playlist- personally I listened to goofy podcasts (thanks Golden Ratio/ @IngoBurghardt). Listen while you wait, listen while you’re in the shot area. Don’t worry about being rude- you’re not. You’re helping staff complete their job easier by owning your accommodations
5) Bring a friend, if possible. If not, ask a few to be on standby to text. My crew was very helpful at keeping me distracted while I waited. It really helped with anxiety. 7/
6) Bring your dog (or a friend’s dog). This goober isn’t a real ESA, but petting him sure did make the wait more peaceful. Also, the staff were super excited to see him. Dogs make everything better.
7) Plan for side effects before hand- this is where I failed. I had no side effects from 1, but 2 was really bad. Buy a couple Gatorades, some quick, easy meals. If you can, clear the next day’s schedule. I find being prepared greatest reduced my anxiety.
8) Honor your anxiety. It’s not stupid or silly. It doesn’t matter how “small” or “painless” people say it is- your feelings are VALID. Don’t diminish what you feel & don’t let anyone else diminish it either. Your feelings are your feelings. What matters is what you do with them
Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community. You are strong and BRAVE for facing your fears and getting vaccinated. Taking this on is an act of love to your community. I am so proud of you.
If you need help finding an appointment, making a vaccination plan, or just want someone to talk you through it, my DMs are open. It’s going to take all of us to get through this pandemic, working and supporting each other!

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