I apologise if I bang on rather a lot about @oatly - but I cannot abide a company who say one thing, then do another. Claim to be good, but under the counter they’re just as bad as everyone else. Slick marketing should fool no one, & I will continue to call them out. #OneWomanWar
Not only that - I simply will not stand by & allow them to attempt to discredit our dairy farmers, & industries by throwing around false, damaging accusations based on loose facts, barely touching the truth. Their social media content is arrogant, rude & condescending.
Their infallibility is staggering & the war they wage on GENUINE dairy products, made from MILK is astonishing. If they want to flog their sugar-filled oat juice, crammed with emulsifiers, be my guest - but don’t even try to pull the wool over my blue eyes. It won’t wash.
The world of agriculture is under enough pressure as it is, without some Swedish bint lecturing the all-too-believing wokeratteri about the devil of proper milk. Instead lauding their oat water as GOOD for you. Never heard such drivel.
Eating earth is good for you, if you whack enough vitamins and calcium into it. Want to eat cotton? ‘Course it’s good for you! Chop it up and pop in a bunch of goodies and it’s soooooo healthy!!! In other words, stop trying to dress it up into something it’s not.
I get it that many people genuinely cannot drink milk. I’m very sympathetic, and there are a lot of alternatives out there. But @oatly is a company who try to scare people into drinking their gunk. And that is fundamentally wrong. That is what my problem is.
They shout about their green credentials, then accept $200MILLION from a. Company who invest in the destruction of the rain forests & then try to put a shine on it by claiming they’re ‘trying to change the world’ Utter drivel. They needed the money, & Blackstone gave it to them.
And lastly, goodness knows how many of their oats are non-organic. So while yelling about how ‘green’ they are & how they’re ‘saving the planet’ they’re growing oats intensively, with pesticides (killing insects & bees), fertilisers, (you don’t even want to know about them),
So this ‘low carbon footprint’, I suspect it may not be so true. Tractors, fertilisers, insecticides, weed killers, transport. It all adds up people. And they try (erroneously as it turns out) to blame Carbon emissions on cows. It’s unforgivable. That is why I bang on about them.
Oh, & another thing (then I’ll stop..).
@oatly advertise with vegans or vegetarians very much in mind (‘wow, no cow’ etc), but sort of forget to also advertise they sell the by-product of their oat juice to.. *drum roll* - PIG FARMS. Allegedly..
Couldn’t make it up, could you?
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