my gosh this statement is so familiar. all the flashbacks abt how Sejeong owes her solo success from appearing in pd101 as if she didn't work hard enough to be given those opportunities in the first place. they've always invalidated her efforts & think that her success is a given
when in fact it was bc of her attitude & hard work that made her a favorite in the industry. they always blamed her for overshadowing her ggd members but if u truly followed her after IOI, u would know how she always promotes ggd in every show she's in. she always gets
questioned abt her loyalty to ggd, making her choose all the time between IOI & ggd to the point that it made her somewhat distant from her past members. she was always smiling in front of us, but for sure she felt lonely & pressured to be perfect all the time bc the entire
image, popularity & success of ggd rests on her shoulders. it was just so unfair how people correlate her solo success with her group's collapse when she did absolutely NOTHING to ruin her group. Sejeong & Mina both voluntarily gave their IOI earnings just to pay off their debt
& that alone should show their dedication to the group. people forget the entire time they're blaming her for what happened, she was always the first one to feel the guilt & sympathy for her members. she was supposed to be in a group, but she was always alone on shows.
she endured the loneliness & pressure while promoting in hopes that it would make ggd successful. can u imagine would hard it must've been for her? her every action monitored & scrutinized. yet people come blaming & accusing her of sabotaging ggd.
why would she sabotage the very reason why she didn't want to join pd101? this is not just for those "danjjaks" but for evry1 who thinks that the popular member ruins the group. they ABSOLUTELY have no fault in their company's mismanagement. blame the company, but never the idol.
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