Since it's the topic de jour, I should confess that when I was younger, I was a big, big fan of bell hooks' writing on gender and men's mental health. Her basic thesis was that men's psychosocial handicaps in the gender system are more devastating than most people will admit,
And she advocated for a gender movement that called for men to embrace the issues and goals of the feminist movement and called on feminists to integrate men's propensity for mental debility into their movement. I still like bell hooks a lot, but I had to wisen up.
It's a worthy goal but today's identity politics are far too stratified and vicious to make that possible, and MRA/incel-style resentment is a direct byproduct. I've bit my tongue on this point, but I may as well come out and say it:

I've been wear that receptionist is at -
And today's intersectionalists are people who laugh at the prospect of my suicide, talk to me like a child in a state of mental disability, fear me as a would-be school shooter, all while castigating this as the behavior of racist whites and sexist males.
It sounds extreme and it's a tough point to get across and maintain the idea that you actually are committed to that bell hooks ideal, since even speaking to that point condemns you to MRA land at that gate.
But when the evidence is as clear as it is with what is happening this receptionist, might as well just come out and say it. Because that's exactly what they're doing to him right now. It's been going on forever and it's ASS.

There's a reason the lost boys go to Jordan Peterson:
He's the only one remotely making an issue out of their plight.

It doesn't have to be this way. We can still strive for the bell hooks route but not if the contempt for mental illness is this flagrant and persistent.
But it's going to require the wokes to appreciate their own propensity for arrogance and abuse and that's just not very likely to happen.
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