Friends: please do everything in your power to not be drawn into debates right now. I know you have strong opinions about a range of pandy topics - we all do. But it’s a soul sucker and a productivity killer. It’s called recreational rage and it’s addictive. (1/3)
And there are a lot of bored/angry people right now. Fb and Twit are also the absolute worst forums for it. In person debates where you can see body language and infer tone are different. Online debates are absolutely the worst thing for all of us right now - (2/3)
and I say that as someone who got snared into/walked into a few recently. Online positive messages, however, do get through. So for every comment war you’re about to jump into - find something encouraging to say - or:
You’ll thank yourself for it. ❤️ (3/3)
You can follow @gravencanada.
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