policies i would enact as dictator:
1. end government employment as jobs program. reinstitute the civil service exam. grant citizenship to anyone that passes it, pay for any relocation to the US. remove all existing officials that can't pass it, give them a modest pension.
2. strictly enforce investigation of military disability claims. put women on the frontline and have actual gender parity in the armed forces. cut off benefits to fraudulent claimants. expel any military staff found to have engaged in sexual harassment or rape.
3. institute a national bank that provides a single account and debit card for every american. use this to distribute ubi by the second. replace all social security and all other welfare programs with this. stop printing paper money and minting coinage.
4. simple progressive tax regime that tops out at 20%. end distinctions between types of income and type of earner (i.e. corporate and human). phase out 401k and other similar vehicles. remove child/family benefits, etc (offset by ubi for all americans regardless of age).
5. reorganize state divisions, reducing to the following region-states: california, cascadia, mountain state, greater texas, mississipi delta, rust belt, deep south, mid south, midatlantic, northeast. cities with population greater than .3% of us population are city-states.
6. reduce congressional seats to 100, proportionally elected from all americans. increase presidential term to 10 years but limit to 1 term. grant independence to all overseas territories and possessions. give each $10B to do with as they will then get out.
7. end all foreign wars. simply pack up and leave. remove troops stationed outside of the western hemisphere except where formal payment as a multiple of operating expenses is agreed with sovereign governments. encourage locals to take civil service exam and become american.
8. reduce the duration of all copyrights to 5 years. end all extensions. eliminate all current copyrights relying on such extensions. phase out all other pre-existing copyrights over 15 years.
9. massive trust busting. apple, microsoft, amazon, google, comcast, facebook, twitter, i'm looking at you. break em up, smash em up. send in the ghost of teddy roosevelt, i don't care. split them all up.
10. end all government recognition of marriage. parental duties for children and medical visitation rights will be separately managed. let children have 1-40 legal parents for all i care. let polygamy and polyandry go wild, literally not my problem at all.
11. ban circumcision and fgm. i don't give a flying fuck if it's your culture. you don't get to mutilate infants.
12. end all government recognition of non-profits and religious institutions as a special legal or tax category.
13. end all government recognition of sex, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, hair color, eye color, favorite dipping sauce, etc. you are all equal citizens and you are all equally worthy to lick my boot.
14. every american gets a vote, even infants. those under the age of majority have their vote cast for them according to the arrangement of their legal parents.
15. the age of majority is 20 for all purposes. enough of this "able to die in war, but not able to buy a drink" crap.
16. introduce streaming in state schools. formally recognize differences in student aptitude. move students into specialized courses as early as age 10. reduce the schoolday to 4 hours per day. it's not state-sponsored daycare, it's education.
17. reduce standard workday to 6 hours, 4 days a week. (weekends as wednesday, saturday, sunday). hours of 10-4 american time.
18. reduce the US to a single time zone. eliminate daylight savings time. there's only american time. it might be a little darker or lighter where you are, but i just don't care.
19. purchase land from american citizens to make no less than 25% of the united states into nature reserves where we literally just leave the nature alone. let the forests regrow themselves. allow modest hunting along the periphery of such reserves.
20. formally ban retail banks from investment in speculative assets, particularly securitized loans. increase capital reserve requirements of all banks to 20%. cap mortgage size at $500k, gradually phase out mortgages until a final ban in 2050.
21. massive investment in rebuild of bridges, railways, and roads throughout the united states. ignore all roads in nature reserves. resettle americans across the mississipi delta to allow river to resume natural course, reverse silting, etc. plant forests along river course.
22. ban cars and guns within all city-states (see above). set up locker system where they can be stored for the duration of your stay. public transit, non-motorized cycling, pedestrians, and low speed assistive vehicles only.
23. formally adopt WCAG 2.1 through AAA at a federal level and extend coverage to activities of private entities with more than $100k in revenue.
24. eliminate fines as a penalty for criminal cases (this is the province of civil cases). make all drugs legal. require all police officers to live in the community they serve. significantly reduce prison time for non-violent offenses.
25. eliminate the suitability rule. require all pension funds, investment brokers, mutual funds, corporate boards, etc etc to be fiduciaries.
26. institute mandatory military service from ages 20-22. primary purpose is training in self defense, operation of weaponry, direct experience physical fitness, discipline, and relocation to different parts of the united states.
27. introduce an annual national sport competition, much like the olympics. rotate location of event between region-states. ban college football and similar sports. those are professionals who should be earning a wage, not being paid in credentials of questionable worth.
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