In the days leading up to our Justice Taking Root event, where we will honor fierce allies and celebrate 20 years with @saratotonchi, we want to share a few Sara stories from SCHR staff and board members:
When I met her, Sara was a dual superhero: Tearing into a conservative, nasty legislature as a lobbyist AND a scenester, seeing every imaginable band in dive bars & art shows in dingy lofts. Little did I know she'd become the Mega-Hero who inspires us all today!
- @wgerryweber
When I was studying for the bar, Sara T. sent me a $50 Door Dash gift certificate to keep me fed, hydrated, and sane. She is the best, kindest, and most approachable boss I have ever had. I’m so grateful that we have her at the helm!
- SCHR attorney Alison Ganem
I met Sara in 2019 at the Leaders of Color in the Death Penalty retreat at SCHR. I didn’t know she was the Executive Director because she was very intentional about our conversations, and during breakout sessions listened more than she spoke...
I was interested in moving to GA, and SCHR seemed a really good fit for me. I asked her, “Who could I keep in contact with?” She said, “Me, I get to lead this wonderful organization." I was shocked, yet comforted by her humility and heart for servant leadership!
- @JoiaBaeWells
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