Well, since Marco Rubio is trending, I figure now would be a good time to remind people who he is, and how he came to power.

Rubio is one of a string of US representatives who rose to power riding on the coattails of the Tea Party Movement.
Now, most people have heard of the Tea Party Movement, but what is it really?

The Tea Party claims to be a legitimate, grassroots movement of regular Americans who are sick of rising taxes. They have a few other complaints, but mostly, it's taxes.
What's very interesting about this "grassroots" movement is that it is almost entirely funded by a combination of oil industry leaders, The Koch bothers, and the tobacco industry.
It started as a conservative thinktank in 1993 by the name of Citizens for a Sound Economy, but it didn't pop up as the Tea Party until 2009.

They are now "freedomworks"

Long story short, the Tea Party helped elect a lot of really interesting people.

Time for a bit of mandatory reading. The article below gives an overview of the Tea Party. It also lists several prominent republican congressmen and women. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Tea-Party-movement
Once you have read it, answer this poll.

Which of these sitting US congressmen are Tea Party candidates?
There are more, and funny enough, a lot of them were intimately entwined in the Trump administration.

Scott Brown, for instance, was named the US ambassador to New Zealand in 2017, and served until 2020.
Aside from the people who run for office using this faux grassroots movement, the Tea Party is also responsible for things like:

Citizens United
The 2013 government shutdown
The Heritage Foundation
The gutting of the ACA
Our debt crisis
Cutting funding to planned parenthood
There are more things with name recognition, but I think I made my point.

A fake grassroots movement, funded by oil barons, tobacco companies, and the Koch brothers, is responsible for the majority of the problems we face in every day life.
The people they helped elect are also some of the loudest supporters for the man who attempted to overthrow our government and those same elected officials are still pushing the lie that the 2020 election was stolen.

They are enemies of America, traitors to their country.
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Also, please read the sources, don't just take my word for it.
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