A lot of people are Tweeting about New Leaf VS New Horizons after another minor update and I have something of a story to share. In the months leading up to New Horizons, I was beyond stoked to make more Animal Crossing videos sometime in its first year like I did for New Leaf.
A year in, I've straight up deemed it impossible to make a sequel to the New Leaf Let's Play in any way that I would want to. Due to the policing of how you're allowed to play events, it would be impossible to play them in the format I do videos in.
Like seriously think about this. They don't allow messing with the clock at all. Some events last 1 day. That means I would have to record, edit, fact-check, and release a video within the same day without being allowed to work ahead. Potentially for a year. On national holidays.
Not only that, but I genuinely don't want to play the game for more than a month. It's really great when you make construction projects for yourself and work at getting everything to look right, but then it's just very stale. It's a great game to start out in and that's about it.
I don't feel like I could build characters for my animals like I did in New Leaf because they don't say anything of value. For me to want to do it, they would have to make multiple massive changes that I don't think could come from a simple patch.
It's a shame because I did really have a lot of ideas for it, but it just wasn't enough. I even went back to the game in January to see how much had improved to give it another chance because I loved these ideas so much, but it still just wasn't doable.
I still have a little hope we're in for a big update someday and the pandemic just didn't allow development to continue as planned, but I really thought this would be a better game at the one-year mark.
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