things not to say to non-binary people ,, a thread
"but what are you really?" non-binary. thats all
"so.. what's in your pants?" whatever is down there doesn't determine our gender. That's the same as saying that if you wear pink you're a female
asking about any genetical surgeries unless we allow you to. It's uncomfortable to sharez especially if we don't know you closely.
assuming nb people have short, colored hair and no boobs and edgYnESs. that's not how all of us look. nb people can look feminine or masculine
"I don't really get it." You don't have 2 get it to be loving and supportive towards someone who just came out.
"what where you born as?" Why does it concern you? Please don't ask this unless they allow you to
ASSUMING THAT EVERY NB USES THEY/THEM. pronouns are JUST pronouns. you can identify as a female and use he/him & vice verse etc.
end of thread 4 now. remember, it's easy not to be a dick and support someone. if you got any suggestions dm or comment ig
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