Thread on Sam as Jack's textual father.

1st, if you want to make the argument that Sam &/or Dean don't act how a dad SHOULD, that's a different point.

This is a thread on how Sam is TEXTUALLY Jack's father & to claim him as the uncle while granting Dean fatherhood is anti-queer
The parallels between Dean & John and Sam & Jack start early & ARE TEXT starting with the convo in 13.03 & moving on through the series.

The Big Empty 13.04
Sam: Dean, what’s up with all the orders? You’re starting to sound like Dad.
Dean: That a bad thing?
For those who need clear text, the show says "THREE FATHERS" in reference to TFW.

The reason Lucifer brings Sam back to life? It's bc he knows Sam's been raising his son & has a closer relationship than him.

Lucifer is jealous of Sam's fatherly relationship with Jack.
Again TEXT.

Lucifer wants Sam & Jack to kill each other bc he hates how much Jack loves Sam.

He's jealous of the fact that Sam has earned Jack's love & respect.

At this point, Sam's been established as Jack's father both in subtext AND text.
When Jack is thinking of running away in 14.03, he writes a letter to his 3 dads.

Lora: Is that your Dad?
Jack: One of them, yes.

When Jack dies, Sam develops the plan to bring him back to life. He begs Lily for help, saying "He's our kid!"

Sam's plea is what moves Lily.
There's so much more, but considering how it's been mentioned at multiple points in TEXT, if you don't consider Sam Jack's dad by s14 while granting that position to Dean, you're deliberately ignoring the ACTUAL STORY bc of harmful stereotypes & norms.
The idea that parents must be romantic/sexually involved or that brothers can't share parenthood is extremely damaging to queer families.

It's also a very western, modern narrow view of parenthood & child rearing.

It's depressing to see SPN more progressive than much of fandom.
Now you wanna argue that Sam & Dean don't act the way you think they would with someone they saw as their kid?

That's a valid argument, but that applies to Dean way more than Sam!!

Ship whatever you want, but don't put your ship before literal text.
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