Though singleness is beautiful, most believers are not called to singleness.

I wanted to point this out because people seem to always be scared that “God has called them to be eunuchs,”

Listen, if you don’t have the desire to be a eunuch, you likely are not called to be one
Please stop being paranoid & trust that if you have the desire to marry, God will fulfill it in His perfect timing.

No need to worry.
Also my biblical basis behind what I said is found all throughout scripture.

God instituted (Gen 2:21-22) & highly esteems the marriage covenant (Mark 10:9) because it accomplishes His will for mankind.
1. It multiplies the Earth, particularly with more believers (Gen 1:27-28)

2. It is a demonstration of God’s covenant with mankind (Ephesians 5:25)

3. It conforms us to His image through sanctification (Ephesians 5:25-33)
I also believe that prophetically, in this time and season, God is accelerating godly covenants & families. I believe there’s a particular grace for rapid marriages because God is bringing revival through the household first.
Especially for the generation that is coming up, the home is where believers are being seriously equipped for the end times chaos that is coming.

I don’t think the homeschool trend is just a fad, I genuinely believe this is a move of God.
This WILL be a chaotic age. The Bible says that it will be like the days of Noah.

But I also feel that this is an Elijah generation - imperfect - yet still on fire & fit for use.

I believe my children’s generation will be WARRIORS for Christ - like never seen before
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