I read about Sigmund Freud’s Madonna-Whore Complex and omg it makes sense. “Where such men love, they have no desire and where they desire, they cannot love”. I’ve literally had guys tell me that if they like a girl too much they cannot imagine doing anything sexual with her
basically what freud is saying is that every man subconsciously categorizes a woman in his head as good & pure, like their sister or their mother, or bad & promiscuous like a whore. and that love & desire cannot coexist bc w man would never degrade something he loves. psych is >>
to be frank with ya’ll i think this is DUMB asf but it makes sense. to females, love & desire go hand in hand. historically speaking if we want to grab your attention we’ll be promiscuous and usually sleep with you to form attachments. but literally that’s never worked 💀
okay im ending this thread i could go down a rabbit hole ab psychology thx for coming to my TedTalk 🤎
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