A thread:

From this morning's new Top Pick dossier.

We see a decade long thematic coming and we have not heard or read any other research firm define it, so we will define it.

( http://bit.ly/CMLPro )

This may be the largest thematic we cover, perhaps eclipsing the size of the genomics space.

In the future we believe that research shops and analysts will begin to use the word "engament" not as verb to describe activity on a platform but as a thematic.

Let me explain...

(Virutally) every company in the in world, digital or otherwise, sews sales rise as engament rises.

First, some non obvious examples:

* More time in an aisle at a grocery story means more sales and loyalty.

* More time at an auto dealer means a more likely sale.

* More time washing a car, your hands, a house, means more product used.

These non obvious, non digital observations allow us to reach deeper into the idea of engagement as a core thematic to almost anything that is commercial.

More engament. More money.

But when we get to the digital world, engament becomes far more pressing, far more measurable, and far more pressing to financial markets.

* Engagement for $ROKU etc is measured in hours streaming. More engagement, more money.

* Engagement in social media is measured as time spent on app and MAU / DAU.

* Engagement on a website is measured as "avg time per session."

* Engagement for e-commerce is measured as "GMV."

All of these things rely on a core underpinning idea -- making the content do something better or getting to the content in an easier way.

The Internet will change -- how data is presented and how quickly it can be reached.

Just as smart phones created a new Internet, let's call it the "appification" of the Internet, so too the infra of the Internet will create another "new Internet."

This Internet will be so much faster and delivered with such better technology that it will enable higher levels of engagement.

It will require:

1. Speed - a lot of it.
2. Content enhancement

Speed it easy for use to understand. 5G / 6G and a lot a lot a lot of edge.

Content enhancement is tricky.

How do we make *existing* more engaging without remaking it?

How can we do so in all areas, agnostic to platform/code base?

That is a part of the trillion dollar market -- the ten trillion dollar market.

We know about AR/VRA, good place to start.

But we have to go beyond a headset and hardware.

We know about immersive technology and content, but to shake the world, to reap the rewards of this speed driven "new Internet, again," we must address casual, not necessarily immersive content.

This solution will play out over a decade and it will, with speed, be one of the few thematics we will pursue at CML Pro.

The enablers of this enhancement in an easy manner will find gigantic reward.

The mega techs have an edge since they own the platforms that hold the content.

- iOS, Android, Amazon store, etc

But the solution, in our view, will be agnostic, like so many other parts of burgeoning technology.

It is in the "non mega tech" realm that the alpha exists.

It's an opinion, but one which we hold with conviction.

This is what is meant be thematic investing and this is what we do at CML Pro.

Thanks for reading.

You can learn more about CML Pro here: http://bit.ly/CMLPro 

And you can see our auditor verified track record in the image below.

You can follow @OphirGottlieb.
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